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Place of Supply Under Saudi Arabia VAT

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Place of Supply

Under the VAT system in Saudi Arabia, it is important to understand the ‘Place of Supply’. It decides if a transaction is liable to VAT and also ensures proper compliance with the Kingdom’s regulations. With Value Added Tax (VAT) in Saudi Arabia being an important part of the business landscape, it is important to understand the place of supply rules to avoid penalties and ease tax filings.

VAT treatment depends on the place of supply in VAT, which is the place where goods are delivered or services are performed. If you are dealing with domestic transactions or cross border trade, you need to understand these rules so that you can comply with the e-invoicing in Saudi Arabia, for instance e-invoicing in Riyadh. In this article we are going to discuss about the general and special place of supply rules for goods and services and will provide you with a clear and friendly guide.

What is the Place of Supply?

In other words, “Place of Supply” (POS) would mean the location where the goods or services are taken to be supplied for ultimate consumption. This is a key concept in the VAT framework since it decides the jurisdiction in which VAT is applied. If you are a business operating in Saudi Arabia, it is crucial to understand the POS, to avoid making transactions that are taxed incorrectly and in contravention of the VAT regulations of the country.

Simply put, the place of supply is the place where the goods or services are transferred and it becomes subject to VAT rules in that location. The POS rules either determine whether VAT is applicable to a transaction, the rate of VAT and how businesses are to report it, or all of the above, whether the transaction is local or cross border.

Purpose of the Place of Supply Rules

The POS rules are intended to decide if a supply is taxable under VAT and if so, where it should be taxed. These rules assist in determining where the supply is located, which in turn determines the tax treatment in that it is a domestic supply within Saudi Arabia, a supply within GCC states or an export outside GCC states. With the POS rules applied, businesses can ensure that VAT is correctly applied, comply with local regulations and categorize their transactions properly, avoiding errors in VAT reporting and following the VAT in Saudi Arabia framework.

Place of Supply for Goods

Goods supplied with or without transportation under VAT rules in Saudi Arabia are subject to different Place of Supply (POS). Here’s a breakdown:

1. Supply with Transportation

The place of supply is determined by the location, where the transportation starts when goods are supplied along with transportation. For instance, if goods are sent from Riyadh to another GCC country, the POS is Riyadh. It guarantees that VAT is applied according to the origin of the movement of the goods.

2. Supply without Transportation

In case of goods supplied without transportation, the place of supply is the place where the goods are located and made available for the customer’s use. For example, if the goods are stored in Jeddah and bought for local use from Jeddah, the POS is Jeddah. This rule is used to decide whether the goods are sold in the presence of physical goods at the time of the sale.

POS in Case of Import of Goods

In this case, the Place of Supply (POS) of the imported goods is the location of the recipient, i.e. Saudi Arabia. Thus, VAT is applied where the goods are actually consumed or used. As far as import is concerned, businesses importing goods into Saudi Arabia must identify the POS as being within the Kingdom, and comply with the VAT regulations applicable to imports.

Reverse charge mechanism is applied to the import of goods. In other words, the goods are imported by a VAT registered business in Saudi Arabia and the recipient must account for VAT on the imported goods. This mechanism eases the process of cross border transactions, as VAT is charged at the destination and the foreign supplier does not need to register in Saudi Arabia for VAT.

POS in Case of Goods Received from a Non-KSA Resident

The Place of Supply (POS) is where the recipient of the goods is when goods are supplied by a non-KSA resident to a customer in Saudi Arabia. This means the POS will be within the Kingdom for registered customers in Saudi Arabia. This rule makes sure that VAT is charged on goods consumed in Saudi Arabia regardless of the supplier’s location.

In such transactions, VAT in Saudi Arabia is paid under the reverse charge mechanism. In order to do this, the recipient of the goods (usually a VAT registered business in Saudi Arabia) has to account for VAT on behalf of the non-resident supplier. This approach will help foreign suppliers who are not obliged to register for VAT in the Kingdom to simplify the process and ensure compliance with VAT regulations.

POS in Case of Supply Within the GCC Member States

The Place of Supply (POS) of goods supplied from Saudi Arabia to another GCC member state is based on the logistics of the transaction. The destination GCC state will be the POS if the supplier arranges for the transportation of goods to the customer’s location in the GCC state. This makes sure that VAT is applied according to where the goods are delivered for final consumption.

Yet, if the customer from the GCC state plans to take the goods from Saudi Arabia to their country and pick them up from there, the POS would still be in Saudi Arabia. For instance, if a supplier in Riyadh sells goods to a customer in Dubai and then arranges for delivery to Dubai, the POS is Dubai. However, if the customer in Dubai collects the goods from Riyadh, the POS will be Saudi Arabia and the transaction is subject to Saudi VAT.

POS in Case of Export Outside GCC States

In case of export goods from Saudi Arabia to countries outside the GCC, the Place of Supply (POS) is Saudi Arabia, where the goods are dispatched. But such transactions are zero rated for VAT purposes. In other words, the goods are taxed by VAT, but at the rate of 0%, which means that businesses can enjoy tax free exports without breaking the rules. For instance, if goods are exported from Saudi Arabia to India, then the POS will be Saudi Arabia and no VAT will be charged on that transaction.

Place of Supply for Services

The POS for services is usually the location of the service provider. If the supplier is Saudi Arabia based, the POS is Saudi Arabia and VAT is charged on the services provided. However, the Unified VAT Agreement has exceptions to this rule for certain types of services such as international or cross-border services. The exceptions for these depend on the nature of the service and the location of the recipient, in order to ensure fair VAT treatment and avoid double taxation between jurisdictions.

The place of supply (POS) in VAT is an important aspect in determining whether VAT in Saudi Arabia is applicable to a transaction and if so, what rate to apply. The POS rules help to define the scope of VAT within the Kingdom by setting the location where the supply of goods or services is deemed to take place. Without these rules, businesses cannot calculate VAT rates correctly, report VAT correctly, or ensure compliance. In dealing with domestic supplies or cross border transactions, the POS is essential to determine the correct VAT treatment.


In conclusion, it is important for businesses operating under the VAT system in Saudi Arabia to know the Place of Supply (POS) rules. In addition to determining the VAT application, these rules define where and at what rate VAT should be charged. Correct identification of the POS is necessary to comply with VAT Saudi Arabia regulations and avoid hefty penalties. Whether you are an international trading company or a trading domestic transaction, you cannot bear to have wrong POS, as it jeopardizes the smooth operation and correct reporting.

POS is of paramount importance in VAT KSA as it is related to VAT registration, invoicing, and reporting. Continuing to stay abreast of the latest VAT in Saudi Arabia news and the e-invoicing in Saudi Arabia system will also aid businesses in complying with VAT in Saudi Arabia.

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