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Penalties for VAT & e-Invoicing Violations in Saudi Arabia

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  • Penalties for VAT & e-Invoicing Violations in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabia kingdom has also radically gone through several tax regulators within the recent past majoring on compliance and transparency. The way of transmitting e-invoice in VAT by the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority or the new name, the General Authority of Zakat and Tax have earlier worked out the one of the most significant procedures in the Kingdom. This policy that was issued on Thursday December 4th, 2021 was aimed at pressuring business organizations to provide e-invoice which conforms to the Value Added Tax Act to produce records of trade transactions easily and to make the record of every company easily comprehensible. This makes the compliance with e-invoicing in Riyadh especially Riyadh earns importance to enterprise because government has escalated its advancement in the tax reform agenda.

However, besides forcing its implementation in KSA, ZATCA has recently changed the benchmarks for non-adoption of e-invoicing. These changes show why the taxpayers have to compromise with the VAT & e-invoicing polices and all of them should follow policies that have been provided here without any exception. Today, companies have some standards or rules for proper billing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and if the companies do not fulfil these rules or requirements then they undergo hefty penalties in form of fines which may bring a number of problems in the operation of the business and in the reputation of the firm.

Therefore, this article presents an analytical evaluation of the sanctions for violating the VAT & e-invoicing regulation in KSA. Studying the details of how to perform e-invoicing in Saudi Arabia and other territories, the company will be able to notice that which law governing VAT legislation is being complied with so that strict penalties for violation is not incurred. Understanding of these penalties is valuable not only in relation to non-observation of these violations by the taxpayers but as for the business modernisation program of Saudi Arabia also.

Tax amnesty initiative in Saudi Arabia

25th July 2023

These measures have been extended by ZATCA The ‘’Cancellation of Fines and Exemption of Penalties Initiative’’ has been extended till 31st month, December 2023. This extension is a component of each try made by the authority to support the taxpayers to continue to conform to the set tax laws and at the same time avoid the smell of penalties anywhere near them. It is also important to also note the continuation of the initiative with the same penalties, which can be provided as follows: With this, company/government gets a good opportunity to address the non-compliance and escape the penalties. This extension could be attributed to the efforts of ZATCA for cutting a number of taxes grief from the tax paying public as the economy remains unstable.

30th November 2022

ZATCA extended the “Cancellation of Fines and Exemption of Penalties Initiative for another six months and began from 1st Dec/2022 up to 31st May/203. These extensions are applicable to penalties for early registration, failure to pay taxes on time, failure to file returns, variation in VAT returns and e-invoicing non-compliance. By the further continuation of the above initiative, ZATCA intended to prolong the period within which the taxpayers could harmonize themselves with the above legal provisions as regards the somewhat painful options to working cash flows of the firms, in particular where economic environment is rather warm.

30th January 2022

On the 30th of January 2022, ZATCA released an identical amnesty campaign to an exemption of fines under a range of VAT laws, including some of the VAT & e-Invoicing compliance laws. Thus, of the field detection comprehended, these violations, this initiative implemented from 1st June 2022 to 30th November 2022. The rationale was to, at least, ensure that where the businesses are forced to charge highly towards solution of their non-compliance related issues, they are textually afforded an opportunity to do so. The general ideas regarding the Exemption of Penalties Initiative were explained to the taxpayers along with offering the further readings of ZATCA’s Simplified Guide for implementing this initiative more efficiently.

Latest reclassification of VAT & e-invoicing offences in KSA

The ZATCA has made a reclassification decision on penalties for some offences concerning VAT & e-invoicing from the 30th of January, 2022. This reclassification is for enhancement of compliance with tax laws and to give the taxpayers an opportunity to correct their shortcomings with the law. With the new penalties borrowed by ZATCA it is believed that social awareness will prevail and the society will set a culture to adhere to tax laws in a bid to improve on the effectiveness of taxes throughout the Kingdom. This programme shows the authorities willing to work in partnership but simultaneously, claiming that the law must be followed.

Key highlights of the recent reclassification decision

The ZATCA’s reclassification decision made in recent past changes the approach towards the violation of VAT and e-invoicing rules in a more systematic way. In case of violation, an official notice is served to the taxpayer, which informs him that he should not perpetrate the offence again. Hearings are therefore provided to taxpayers and they are afforded up to a three months’ grace to rectify the violation subject to such other time frame as may be provided. In case the taxpayer will not reply or react within this notice period, the new penalties will be effective. However, ZATCA has made it clear that if the same violation is repeated after twelve months, ZATCA issues a new official notice and the penalty period will be reignited.

What are the penalties for VAT violations in KSA?

In Saudi Arabia the penalties set for VAT are rather strict and an important objective is made to ensure people do not engage in wrong actions regarding the scope of taxation. Among those penalties, negligence in registering for VAT can attract a fine up to SAR 10,000 if registration was not done on the required time. As laid in the act a penalty equivalent to one half of the value of the unused tax shall be imposed with any taxpayer that fails to file VAT return at the stipulated time or if the information given herein is falsify. Also, the VAT payment when made after the due date is also accompanied by a penalty which may range from 5 % to 25 % of the value of the delayed tax Penalties for VAT & e-Invoicing.

Others such as invoicing which is involved in. Incorrect invoicing or record keeping in regard to VAT is also prosecuted in order to ensure that the league of parties that are involved in such malpractice is also checked. Where technology is not adopted and especially where e-invoicing is needed, for example, if it concerns a VAT invoice, this has consequences in terms of other penalties for non-observance. That is why ZATCA is attempting to implement these penalties in order to create a transparent and objective taxation system that would manage all the subjects of the legal base in order to record all financial transactions. By these penalties, ZATCA can be seen to have made sure than an organization gets it right when it comes to managing its VAT responsibility and aides in enhancing the general tax administration framework in the Kingdom.

What are the penalties for e-invoice violations in KSA?

Penalties FOR Non-Adherence to E-Invoice in KSA do aim at keeping in check synchronization of the e-invoice specification set by ZATCA. Any company that e- invoices in a structure that is different from that set by ZATCA and any firm that have not complied with the authority’s electronic system may wake up to colossal penalties. They could be set from the amount of 5000SAR up to 50000SAR with reference to the degree of repetition of the violation. Non-compliant e-invoices and failure to store e-invoices as the law may provide are also prosecutable; this makes ensure that organization remain clean on standard duly provided.

The ZATCA has introduced structured penalties for several offenses relative to e-invoicing whereby penalties increase in the case of similar transgressions. However, penalties are imposed where any business interferes with the e-invoicing information or refuses ZATCA officials access to the e-invoicing system on request. These are some of the measures, which has been taken by ZATCA in its effort to raise the degree of transparency, make sure that the Laws are compiled to the letter to address negligence of individuals and companies and also to improve the level of total efficiency in the tax system in the Kingdom. The main idea is to promote compliance with e-invoicing from taxpayers in a manner that would not distort the vision of Saudi Arabia’s economy in general.


Saudi Arabian penalties for e-invoice non-compliance are intended to compel organizations using electronic invoices to come into compliance with the regulation implemented by the Saudi ZATCA. Those companies who did not transmit e-invoices in accordance with the standard of the format and that companies who are not connected with the ZATCA’s electronic portal may face serious penalties. These fines can be between 5000 and 50000 SAR depending on repetition, and dangerous level of the violation. Fines are imposed also for the emission of e-invoices which do not respect the provided regulation or for the absence of e-invoice retention as stipulated by law to make companies conform to the presented guidance’s.

The progressive penalty amount regarding violations concerning e-invoicing has been established by ZATCA and it has adopted a systematic system of penalizing. Moreover, where a business tampers with the e- invoicing data or even fails to allow the ZATCA officials to access the e- invoicing tool severe financial penalties may be imposed. These are among the strategies that have been put forward by ZATCA as the Kingdom’s campaign for enhanced anti-greed compliance, fully transparent tax system is boosted. It benchmarks the facilitation of onboarding taxpayers to the e-invoicing system to meet the overall goals of Saudi Arabia’s fiscal architecture.

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